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20 July, 2023

The Haulage Industry is Under Siege from Inflation

20 July, 2023

An article by Darren Foster, Financial Director at Vigo Software 

Navigating the haulage industry today is like steering a heavy truck through a dangerous mountain pass in the dead of night. Battling the steep inclines of inflation, a pressing LGV driver shortage, and soaring gasoil duties. In these challenging times, the beacon of relief for transport businesses comes in the form of innovative software solutions, one being a fuel-linked escalator charging mechanism. Vigo Software TMS, comes with this functionality as standard and fortifies your business against these economic uncertainties. But how exactly does this help you steer your business to a better place? Here are four benefits that Vigo brings to both your operations and your customers’ experience.

1.    Trust and Transparency in Costs build Bridges:

In the ever-volatile landscape of fuel prices, fluctuating due to geopolitical events, supply and demand dynamics, and changing economic conditions, the Vigo fuel price escalator is your ultimate ally in ensuring that your pricing reflects the real-time fuel costs. This not only safeguards your bottom line but also guarantees your customers are never paying more than a fair price. With Vigo Software TMS you will have a head start in the transportation and logistics race and turn it to your advantage. It’s not just about cost recovery, it’s also about fostering a transparent relationship with your customers, which is a priceless asset in today’s market.

2.   Flexible and Adaptive Pricing for Future-Proofing Client Relationships:

With Vigo’s technology at your fingertips, you can effortlessly monitor fuel prices, and automatically adjust invoices to match. It’s like having a personal assistant that never sleeps, continuously saving your precious time and reducing administrative responsibilities. This tool transforms the traditional pricing process into a seamless experience that adapts to shifting fuel costs. Imagine the power of an intelligent digital partner that eliminates manual adjustments. It removes the complexities of recalculating base prices, enabling you to focus on your core business operations.

3.   Gain the Upper Hand, and Get a Head Start:

In an industry where the competition is constantly switching lanes, securing pole position is paramount. Vigo’s TMS with its fuel escalator charging system offers you a head start. In a world where customers are increasingly demanding transparency this tool places this at the forefront of your pricing strategy. Do not leave your customers in the dark, power up visibility with Vigo TMS and allow them to see how fuel costs shape their charges. This commitment to openness will differentiate you from the competition, attracting customers who value a transparent pricing structure and compelling them to choose your services over others in the industry.

4.   Be an Environmental Champion:

By linking your pricing structure to fuel costs, you can promote environmental consciousness among your customers. This approach serves as a reminder between the correlation of fuel consumption, carbon emissions, and collective ecological footprint. As your customers observe the direct link between their costs and fluctuating fuel prices, they’re encouraged to reflect on their environmental impact. This awareness fosters a deeper understanding of sustainability and our role in it. A shift towards sustainable practices isn’t just a good-to-have – it’s now an expectation. Consumers are increasingly demanding that CO2 and fuel reporting be a standard offering from their primary suppliers. This requirement is driven by a growing commitment to robust Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting.

Vigo Software is the partner you need in your business growth roadmap.

We’re not just facing critical challenges, we’re transforming them into opportunities for growth, efficiency, and sustainable success. Because in the end, it’s not just about staying competitive, it’s about redefining what it means to be a leader in the logistics industry. Vigo Software is the partner you need in your business growth roadmap.

“Vigo Software technology isn’t just about adapting to current challenges – it’s about overcoming them, by allowing technology to be the driver of your data-driven decision-making process. Manage supply chain disruptions by leveraging the power of innovation delivered by Vigo industry experts”. Darren Foster, Financial Director, Vigo Software.